5 Compound Exercises You Should Add to Your Workout
Some of the simplest exercises are often the most valuable. Compound exercises, for example, address many actions at once, making them both efficient and effective. Here are five of the best compound exercises to add to your workout.
Best and Worst Foods for Bloating
If you've ever felt like your abdomen is tight and full, you've probably been bloated. Bloating is common, and several factors contribute to bloating, such as constipation, swallowing air, overeating, and weight gain.
Are Veggie Chips or Straws Healthier Than Potato Chips?
If you’re trying to sneak more vegetables into your—or your kid’s—diet, swapping regular potato chips for veggie chips or sticks may seem like a healthy substitution. But nutrition experts say some of these ostensibly good-for-you snacks are just junk food in disguise.
How to Turn Your Bedroom into the Ultimate Sleep Sanctuary
The quality of your sleep is essential to your health — restoring energy, helping store memories, and healing the body.

And where you sleep matters. Your sleeping environment has a huge impact on your sleep quality. The right wall color, bed accessories, and lighting (or lack thereof) may all help you to get a better night’s sleep, among other factors.
When replenishing fluids, does milk beat water?
An ad campaign sponsored by the milk industry claims that milk is better than water for hydration. A few studies appear to support the claim, but they involved a small number of subjects and have important limitations.

Some studies suggest milk is better than water, but evidence is weak.
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